Here are some self help tools for you.

Empowering others to handle life better has always been important for me. The latin root for the word "Doctor" is doc(ēre) which means "to teach". With this being said, I want to use this page to offer classes, videos, and other forms of learning for your wellbeing.

Active meditation to get your energy flowing

Monthly meditation class

Join a short online meditation with Dr. Robert Ciprian using your active mind to guide the energy of your body to flow and help you feel great! This 15 min guided meditation will help you become more present in your body in a grounded way and help you work through energy blockages.

Heal Profoundly with Dr. Robert Ciprian

Monthly virtual workshops and classes

Workshops and classes on the third Wednesday or every month on different topics with Dr. Robert Ciprian

How to break through your fears, a video class by Dr. Robert Ciprian

Breaking Through Your Fears Video Class

Many times we are held back in life because of fear. This can cause indecision, procrastination, and insecurity. The ultimate underlying fear is the fear of death. Despite this irrational fear in our modern day society, it is deeply ingrained in our primordial nervous system and can paralyze us from achieving our dreams.

In this video class recording, Dr. Robert Ciprian will teach you how to use your mind to process the emotional stresses of fear to be resilient, happy, and productive. These methods can be learned, applied, and mastered easily. The long term results are that you will be more in power emotionally, physically, and spiritually to achieve your dreams.

An online class by Dr. Robert Ciprian

Why Positive Thinking Doesn't Work Video Class

Some of us have blocks that prevent our dreams and desires from showing up in life, even with the positive mindset. When this happens, manifestation can be blocked, delayed and held back because there is plenty of energy counteracting it behind the scenes. Think of a tall glass with a little mud in the bottom of it. If you fill that glass with clear, pure water you now have muddy water. You need to clean out what you don't want to manifest before you can focus on what you to want to manifest.

In this video class recording, learn how to find the "stuff" that is blocking your desires from showing up. Dr. Ciprian will show you what to look for, give you the tools to work these issues out, and then game plan in a powerful way to get where you want to be in success, relationship and/or your life purpose.


In this class that Dr. Ciprian did with the Woo Woo Company, you will learn what trauma is and ways to release it from our bodies to heal. This recorded workshop will give you the tools and techniques to help release trauma to help you move on and replace it with something better.

What’s included?

  • Recorded workshop (audio + visual and audio only)
  • Recorded meditation for grounding
  • Workshop notes

Ready to find out more?

Releasing Trauma Class

My daily reset meditation

Here is a little mediation and visualization that I use myself daily. It helps me reset, become grounded, and focused.

Muscle Testing Training for professionals

For the professional who is studying or practicing Applied Kinesiology. Click Here