Online scheduling
We offer several levels of service to help you the best way possible.
Update about chiropractic services:
I am very grateful for the years of service that I have been able to provide in person as a chiropractor and holistic doctor. Because of the current political mandates I am now only providing virtual services. Please see the Energy Healing page for more information.
Remote Energy Work
With an email or over the phone/Zoom session, Dr. Ciprian will use his intuition to look into your energetic anatomy to help you overcome health challenges wether they are physical, physiological, and or mental/emotional.
Click here for more
Chiropractic Kinesiology
Dr. Ciprian will examine your physical body (joints, muscles, movement) through muscle testing, posture, and gait analysis (watching how you walk). These tools intuitively help him to see why you have aches, pains, reduced motion, and physical challenges and assist him in finding the fastest and longest lasting solution to help you feel better.
Click here for more
Holistic & Chiropractic evaluation
The holistic session utilizes the chiropractic treatment as mentioned above, if needed, as well as examination of your physiology, mental & emotional patterns, and energetic anatomy. This is a deeper and more complete evaluation and treatment that takes into account all aspects of you.